First Period Tardiness

Our building policy is that we expect students to be in their first period classes and ready to go at 8:25 a.m. Students arriving late to school should report to the attendance office and receive an admit to class.

Board Policy states that “Two (2) tardies to school in one semester shall be excused. Excessive tardies will be handled through disciplinary action and parent involvement.” In order for a tardy to be excused a parent must contact the school or send a note.

Below are interventions and parent involvement that we have in place to comply with the board policy and reduce the number of excessive tardies.

Total tardies*Office interventionParent involvement
5Students warned and home contact made.A note or phone call sent home notifying the parent of our concern.
6Student will meet with guidance counselor to determine the reasons for being tardy and to develop strategies to prevent tardiness.Parent contact by guidance counselor as appropriate.
7Student will be assigned a lunch detention. Phone contact or note sent home.
8Student will be assigned a lunch detention. Phone contact or note sent home.
9Student will be assigned a lunch detention. Phone contact or note sent home.
10Student will be assigned a 50 minute after school office detention. The parent will be contacted by guidance counselor and a conference will be set up with guidance and administration to develop ways to make it to school on time.
11Student will be assigned a 50 minute after school office detention. Phone contact or note sent home.
12 or moreStudent will be assigned a 50 minute after school detention or other consequences. Phone contact or note sent home with additional conferences as appropriate.

* Total tardies (excused or unexcused) to first period for the current semester.

Unexcused Tardiness to Class – PBS School Wide Tardy Behavior Expectation

Be Ready
Students will be in their seat when the bell rings to begin class.

Be Respectful
When entering the room after the bell rings, students will enter in a quiet way as to minimize disruption to the entire class.

Be Responsible
Students reporting late to a class must have a valid written pass from the proper school employee.